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Our Expertise & Services Offered

Anyone can call themselves an "expert." Where we at 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS distinguish ourselves, though, is that we have more than 30 years of successes to flaunt.


It is a 30-year track record of representing amazing institutions and organizations with a track record of unparalleled success.


You will find that, from public relations to media relations to social media, we are the team that can -- and will -- flaunt you to your constituents, guests, and audiences.


Let's face it, your reputation is your livelihood. Your brand is your image, and the public's perception is your brand. And each of those -- your reputation, your livelihood, your brand, and your image -- needs protection and promotion. You need it to succeed. And in today's world of social media, you need it not just via word-of-mouth, but via audiences that support you by sharing your message(s) through Facebook and Twitter, as well as traditional media.


So who are we? Quite frankly, we are the team that makes you look very, very good.


Blog Management

20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS will interview your you and your team for respective weekly and/or monthly blog posts; will write each blog, as needed; and/or post each blog onto your website, and social media sites. We will sit with/interview you and/or additional team/staff members to gather all information needed to "ghost write" the blog on your behalf. We will then write the blog/article, up to 1,300 words on your behalf. 

Crisis Communications

Sometimes, the unexpected happens.


And when it does, you need to control your message from the get-go.


You need to respond to media, you need to address your constituents/clients/students, and you need to proactively control social media  -- all the while protecting your brand and reputation.


Our Crisis Communications services will help you put out the fire, and move on as quickly as possible with your reputation intact. We will meet with you/your organization's leadership team to confidentially address the matter at hand, to put together a proactive action plan that focuses on addressing the issue head-first; preparing statements for you/the leadership team; preparing social media statements; and directly responding to media inquiries on behalf of the organization.


20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS will produce weekly and/or monthly [dependent on client needs/wants] e-newsletters, focused on proactive communication to past, current, and/or potential clients. 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS will write copy, edit submitted copy, develop and design the e-newsletter, and submit it to client-provided email list serve. NOTE: Distribution is via WIX e-newsletter service. Additional costs and fees apply for WIX services, based on project. Client is responsible for providing CSV file to 20A-M.

Emcee / Speaking Engagements

Some of the biggest fears in our culture are heights, bugs, and death.  But more often than not, what tops them all is the fear of public speaking.  Our Emcee / Public Speaking services will alleviate those fears, giving you a seasoned public speaking veteran to "host" your event, and/or speak to/address your organization/team.

Event Management

Your company/institution/organization has decided to host an event. Big or small, fund-raiser or friend-raiser, it matters not: You just know that you need it looking and running as professional as possible.  That is where we come in.  We will direct your team/staff of what steps to take, and will do so from the inception of the event, all the way through the event's conclusion. We will ensure that every step is taken to showcase your event in its best possible light, based on your respective event's budget.

Fundraising Assistance

We will help to represent your institution/organization, both in creation/development of content/sponsorship package and/or in-person [i.e. making the ask]. We will work with you to develop the message, as well as specific – and strategic – campaigns that can raise funds for your organization and/or event(s).

Media Relations - Press Release Development and/or Distribution

More often than not, institutions, companies and/or organizations tend to shy away from proactively reaching out to online-and-traditional media outlets.  Yet to not share your news with those outlets is a huge mis-step.


While no PR/Communications firm can ever guarantee or promise any amount of media hits, we guarantee that your message will reach the appropriate media outlets, reporters, and/or editors it needs to generate interest.


Our Media Relations services include writing and distributing press releases [to help you promote your events, activities, and/or announcements], and individual/team promotion [i.e. flaunting your respective expertise to external media outlets, so that you are used/quoted as an industry expert in your field].


Let us write your press release for you. We will share your story, i.e. your successes, your events, your happenings, etc., with external, traditional, and social media outlets/bloggers, to generate positive media coverage for you/your institution.

Media Relations: Promoting you as an 'expert' to the media

We will work with you to create a proactive plan that presents you to specific and strategic media outlets as an "expert" in your field/specialty.


This service includes: writing and distributing your bio to media outlets, ensuring that it gets to appropriate editors, producers and/or writers; interview preparation; and proactive search-and-replies to media outlets seeking comment from respective experts.

Publication Design & Production

20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS will produce, create, design as-needed publications [e.g. fliers, handouts, tri-folds, brochures, etc.], giving you appropriate handouts for use when meeting past/current/potential clients.

Social Media Management

Social Media trends, more than any aspect or facet of communications/public relations, change on a daily basis.


Your institution, company, and/or organization must proactively use Social Media avenues to successfully promote yourself to the general public.


Social Media is not just about Facebook "likes" and Twitter "followers." It is about constant and/or consistent messaging. It is about engaging your current and future audience(s). It is about flaunting yourself to constituents appropriately and proactively.


Our Social Media services will help grow your Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter accounts, and will engage past, current and future supporters of your institution/organization/company.  We will directly control the messaging within your account(s) to meet these goals.

Writing / Telling -- and Sharing -- Your Story

Be it yourself, your organization, your company, your staff, your colleagues, etc., YOU have an amazing story to tell. Our team of award-winning writers [including CEO Michael Laderman, who has earned nine awards from the Florida Press Association] will put your story into words, to be used as needed [e.g. your website, social media pages, view books, company newsletters, magazines, etc.].

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(C) 2020 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS   *   Phone (407) 917-20AM   *   1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300, Orlando, Florida  32810   *


* Images featuring President & CEO Michael Laderman are not intended to constitute celebrity endorsement of 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS. 

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