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Cool "casual" stuff. Great "casual" gifts. It's Charlie DeChant's online store, hosted by 20 A-M -- the only place where you can get "Mr. Casual's" official merchandise. Perfect for the Hall & Oates' fan in your circle of friends & family!


And when you're done shopping, don't forget to visit Charlie's website for some more cool content, including links to listen to his new single, "SIX."


Visit Charlie @

SHIPPING UPDATE: Per our distributor, any orders coming in after Dec. 15 will most likely be delivered after December 25. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

(C) 2020 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS   *   Phone (407) 917-20AM   *   1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300, Orlando, Florida  32810   *


* Images featuring President & CEO Michael Laderman are not intended to constitute celebrity endorsement of 20 A-M COMMUNICATIONS. 

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